Sunday, April 19, 2009

CATS, out of the bag

In my opinion,
totally Over-Rated.

Yes, there were good vocals,
beautiful dance choreography,
and great interaction with the audience.

what is a musical without a decent plot?

It might as well be,
a dance performance about CATS.

This is the first time in my life,
I closed my eyes twice,
in a theatrical performance,
because the dance went on like forever,
with no singing or story-telling at all.

$153 well-spent though,
because Now I Know,

what CATS is all about.


Super Saiyan 3 said...

I did better, only slept once, i slept through......(jk) A friend of mine actually performed CATZ. I can only imagine there's lots of cats in different motions....

秀玲 said...

这部《猫》是好多年前看的,看完后的感觉完全和你一样。我看不出这部音乐剧到底好在哪里, 只觉得它只是一场舞不完的舞蹈表演,我看不到它的“剧”到底在哪里?我当时还想是这类音乐剧不符合我的喜好?还是我没这方面的鉴赏能力?