Saturday, November 22, 2008

The price

Feeling a little drain now,
hence I'm just going to put this down in English,
just to remind myself.

Last night at Klee,
JY & I were talking about birthday presents.

She mentioned that,
women our age would probably throw a fuss,
if their man just buy them a simple NIKE bag,
for their birthday.

I was pretty taken aback.

What is wrong with a NIKE bag?

I'm not offended by JY's statement.

Knowing her for so long,
she's just saying what comes into her mind.

It just got me thinking.

I told JY,
I don't grow up in a family,
where such materialism overrides,
the value of the intent to give.

Any present to me is a good present.

It's the person that matters.

I do not see value in a diamond ring,
if this sum of money is more needed for other things.

I think it is a very sad thing,
if your Love is tagged to the value of money.

It is only but,
the tool to get to your means.

It can be earned.

Yet Love,
is rare and precious,

and should be cherished,
with the heart,

not with the money.


Anonymous said...

i like diamonds. but i also would LOVE a nike bag. ;p

蓝月 said...

yep, i think so too. :)