Saturday, June 27, 2009

Health Log [26 June 09]

Went alone to National Heart Center
as stated in appointment
for Blood Test and ECG Stress Test.

Was a little stressed about the Stress Test,
as I have no idea what to expect.

I also feared that in the midst of the Stress Test,
the symptoms come again.

According to past experiences,
it would leave me feeling weak,
and air would not be able to come in freely.

I hope that will not happen,
as I am supposed to meet family for dinner,
in celebration of Mother's birthday.

The nurses called me in
and started to stick a lot of wires all over my chest.

With all these heavy wires stuck onto me,
I stood up, feeling like a robot.

Then I was brought to a treadmill,
that will increase its speed and gradient
every 5 minutes.

I ran for almost 20 minutes,
a very long 20 minutes.

When it stopped,
I stepped down feeling nauseous,
and felt like coughing.

The limps were cold and woobly.

I realised I haven't really run that much,
since my JC days for 2.4 KM physical fitness test.

After resting for 10 more minutes,
they took off everything from my body,
leaving red patches all over.

After resting for half an hour,
I proceed to the Blood Test.

I dread Blood Test,
for they always are unable to find my veins,
resulting in multiple needle holes
from trying to draw enough blood.

This kind man took 5 minutes
patting on my right arm, making the veins show.

He then took what seemed like a very long time,
to draw 2 small tubes of blood.

When he was done,
my arm felt sore.

I have this weird feeling that
he was examining my blood in a funny manner,
as if my blood does not seemed normal.

But I did not ask,
as he told me the doctor will inform me the results,
when I go back for appointment on the 16th July.

I made payment,
and left the hospital feeling weary.

And tomorrow,
I am taking my 2nd dose of Gardasil.

so fragile,
yet so determine.


Super Saiyan 3 said...

Aiyo, felt your sufferings. Hang on, moon.

ruoh wei said...

i had taken three doses of the cervical cancer vaccination. =)