Monday, June 08, 2009

Health Log [8 June 09]

CS came over very early in the morning,
to accompany me to the Polyclinic.

I have been feeling breathless on and off,
and it totally does not feel right,
I was never like that.

On top of it,
I became nauseous and dizzy,
after a session of yoga last Tuesday [2 June].

The nauseous feeling continued for the entire week,
and resolved into plenty of gases coming out of my body,
after I drank some Yakult late in the week.

It brought back the difficulty in breathing again,
and it frightens me.

To top it off,
I am going to be home alone,
with younger sis till the 3rd week of June,
when everyone comes back from holidays.

I worry if anything occurs in the middle of the night,
I might frighten her, and not be able to take care of her.

I want to find out what is going on,
hence my best option is to go to the polyclinic,
and get a referral to the specialist.

I was initially thinking of Lung Specialist,
as S recommended me upon hearing it.

Turned out that the doctor at the polyclinic,
decided that I should go the Heart Specialist instead,
hence I was referred to the National Heart Centre (NHC).

I am to wait for NHC to call me for an appointment.

After finally getting to the referral after the entire morning,
CS brought me to watch Angels & demons.

It has been a long time since we watched any movie.

Half way through the show,
I suddenly felt my breathing going wrong again.

The heart was pounding faster,
as the ribs below the chest tried to expand,
at every attempt to breathe.

After a while I felt weak,
and the ribs beneath felt like,
they have just been through a tough fight.

It makes me more determined to find out,
what exactly am I experiencing.

If there is nothing wrong with my Heart,
then I will check out my Lungs.

If nothing wrong can be found in my Lungs,
then there had better be something to stop this,

This morning CS bought me McDonalds Big Breakfast,
I felt happy and contented.

This is a feeling that I want to be,
for a long time in my life.

And to be able to feel that,
I need to be healthy again.

because I was once so,
not needing to worry about Breathing.

And I will be strong in the mind,
till the rest of the family is back,
my Dad, Mom & Brudder,
so that even if anything happens late at night,
I have someone to go to.

Dear God, please keep me healthy.

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