Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Health Log [9 June 09]

Spoke to my superior today,
regarding my condition.

She told me of her son
who had diarrhea for almost 3 months,
went to the polyclinic for referral,
and in end got an appointment for half a year later.

She was really angry,
and immediately brought her son to A&E,
and he was referred to a specialist the next day.

Upon hearing that,
I called up National Heart Centre (NHC).

This very nice lady told me,
the polyclinic has yet make an appointment for me.

She adviced me to go immediately to A&E,
if I still feel unwell,
and I will be able to get the specialist I required.

I decided that I will still wait for the polyclinic,
to give me an appointment date,
and then call up NHC for a nearer appointment.

Meanwhile I want to keep myself,
strong in the mind.

I do not want it to be
a hindrance to my daily life.

I will try to keep to the yoga,
and build up what I used to have,
carefully and mindfully.

But I feel strongly about not letting it,
be the focus of my life.

No, it is part of what I am going through,
but not the focus.

I should focus on things I want to do,
for this much wanted break;
focus on the people I wanted to love;
focus on the beauty of what's around me.

Dear God, please be with me,
as I work through this.

I know I will be fine.


秀玲 said...

I am keeping you in my prayers.
Take care & get well soon.


蓝月 said...

Thank you :)