Thursday, December 31, 2009

Going forward 2010

2009 has been a very eventful year.

I have accomplished nothing,
but was made to see clearly things,
that were previously uncertain of.

My health took a serious setback,
forcing me to go to and fro SGH and TTSH
to search for the cause and a solution.

CS went through 2 surgeries in CGH,
that made me realise how important he is to me.

I came to see,
how much adults can behave like children,
come as a clique to ostracise and bully.

Yet the emotional trauma they inflicted,
was done in a more subtle and silent way,
and hell, ya, it hurts,
but everybody will keep pretending
that whatever shit they do,
everything is still ok.

In the midst of these chaos,
God brought me angels.

Whatever God He is,
I am very grateful for them.

I am grateful
that everytime I was at my low,
someone will come to me,
put a hand on my shoulder,
and allow me to be in their company,
with no agenda, and no obligations,
just being there, in their warmth.

I am grateful for CS,
who walked with me through all these,
and never fail to put back that smile on my face.

2009 has not been a good year,
but I shall not dwell on it.

I went to 四马路观音堂 that day to pray.

I drew a lot,
that says badly of what is to come in 2010.

I prayed again and I told Her,
that whatever is to come in 2010,
I will face it.

I will not falter,
and I will find a solution to it.

Whatever it is,
I will do whatever it takes.

So that will be my 2010.

I shall be strong,
and I will be healthy and happy.


Anonymous said...

thought u r christian? then y go guan yin temple?

very funny

蓝月 said...

Dear Anonymous,

You are very funny as well. Did I ever mention I am Christian?

By the way, please do not stay nameless when u post any message. I prefer people to take responsibility of what they post.

Thank you.