Friday, December 18, 2009

Almost fraud

Went shopping and massage session
with Mother and little sister today.

The entire day was good,
except for sister's bad cough;
and the massage was better,
except for their scheming hardsell.

The after-massage experience was so terrible,
I felt threatened to do whatever I can to protect my own interest.

Still Mother was the experienced one,
coming to my rescue and demanding them
to return the unsigned credit card bill.

I am thankful for UOB credit card call centre personnel as well,
for telling the Body Wellness manager my rights,
and advising me on how to deal with the situation.

Fancy trying to lie to me,
and force me pay for something I did not intend to pay for.

I understand when you try to hardsell,
because it is your job to do so.

But lying through your teeth is another matter.

I totally am disgusted with liars.

I am not ever going back there again.

1 comment:

Super Saiyan 3 said...

Luckily you noticed it early.