Monday, May 01, 2006

Personality and failings

Amused and slightly confused,
I showed L these.

The Nohari Window - weaknesses


(known to self and others)

insecure, withdrawn, irrational, distant, weak, foolish

Blind Spot

(known only to others)

timid, glum, lethargic, unhappy, cynical, needy, childish, blasé, self-satisfied, passive, overdramatic, inattentive, cold


(known only to self)


(known to nobody)

incompetent, intolerant, inflexible, cowardly, violent, aloof, stupid, simple, irresponsible, vulgar, hostile, selfish, unhelpful, unimaginative, inane, brash, cruel, ignorant, boastful, imperceptive, chaotic, impatient, embarrassed, loud, vacuous, panicky, unethical, insensitive, smug, rash, dispassionate, dull, predictable, callous, unreliable, humourless

Dominant Traits

87% of people think that Bluemoon is unhappy

All Percentages

timid (12%) glum (12%) insecure (50%) lethargic (25%) withdrawn (25%) unhappy (87%) cynical (37%) needy (37%) irrational (12%) distant (12%) childish (12%) blasé (12%) weak (50%) self-satisfied (12%) passive (37%) overdramatic (12%) inattentive (12%) cold (12%) foolish (25%)

Created by the Nohari Window on 1.5.2006, using data from 8 respondents.
You can make your own Nohari Window, or view Bluemoon's full data.

The Johari Window - personality traits


(known to self and others)

caring, complex, dependable, patient, sentimental

Blind Spot

(known only to others)

able, accepting, calm, cheerful, clever, confident, friendly, giving, idealistic, independent, intelligent, introverted, kind, knowledgeable, logical, loving, mature, modest, observant, organised, quiet, reflective, responsive, searching, self-assertive, self-conscious, sensible, shy, silly, tense, trustworthy, warm, wise


(known only to self)



(known to nobody)

adaptable, bold, brave, energetic, extroverted, happy, helpful, ingenious, nervous, powerful, proud, relaxed, religious, spontaneous, sympathetic, witty

Dominant Traits

58% of people agree that Bluemoon is sentimental

All Percentages

able (4%) accepting (4%) calm (16%) caring (33%) cheerful (12%) clever (4%) complex (20%) confident (8%) dependable (8%) friendly (12%) giving (12%) idealistic (16%) independent (16%) intelligent (12%) introverted (8%) kind (12%) knowledgeable (4%) logical (4%) loving (8%) mature (16%) modest (8%) observant (12%) organised (20%) patient (8%) quiet (25%) reflective (29%) responsive (4%) searching (25%) self-assertive (4%) self-conscious (12%) sensible (25%) sentimental (58%) shy (8%) silly (12%) tense (4%) trustworthy (20%) warm (20%) wise (8%)

Created by the Interactive Johari Window on 1.5.2006, using data from 24 respondents.
You can make your own Johari Window, or view Bluemoon's full data.

As if reading my mind,
L replied,

“Can I tell you a story?”

*nod* *nod*

I’ve always enjoyed L’s stories.

“There was once an artist
who draws very well.

One fine day,
he decided to gather opinions on his artworks,
so as to improve for future paintings.

He then displayed his favourite artwork,
and asked the public to circle the part
where they find requires improvement.

At the end of the day,
the painting was full with circles.

The artist was taken aback and felt disappointed.

A close friend learnt about it,
and asked him to do it all over again,
this time, wanting them to circle the part
that they like most.

Once again,
at the end of the day,
it was full with circles.

Moral of the story,
I think you should know.”

And I do.

1 comment:

ecookie said...

hmmm....i like this story. 做人真应该有自知与自信.